Please can someone tell me how splynx is doing voice rate calculation? I’m a little lost between
first step, tariffication step, connect cost regarding the price per minute.
Try the previews but it is not very clear.
Please can someone tell me how splynx is doing voice rate calculation? I’m a little lost between
first step, tariffication step, connect cost regarding the price per minute.
Try the previews but it is not very clear.
I got the calculation in python
spec = {
'price': 59,
'first step': 1,
'tariffication step': 1,
'connect cost': 23
def calc(spec, duree):
sec_cost = spec['price'] / 60
step_cost = sec_cost * spec['tariffication step']
duree_to_bill = spec['first step']
price = (duree_to_bill * sec_cost)
price +=(spec['connect cost'] * bool(duree))
if duree >= spec['first step']:
rest_to_bill = duree - spec['first step']
nb_step = rest_to_bill // spec['tariffication step']
r = rest_to_bill % spec['tariffication step']
r = spec['tariffication step'] * bool(r)
price +=((nb_step * step_cost) + (r * sec_cost))
return price
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