The system close the active sessions

good! Greetings to all

I want to ask a question with reference to a problem that is happening to me 15 days ago, hotspot users have started to complain because the sections are closed by themselves and when they want to start their section the system tells them that the key Is invalid and of course sends them to the error page

This has caused me a lot of complaints and I have reconfigured the mikrotik hotspot thinking that it produced the fault and the problem still persists

Thank you very much for all who can help me

Good morning, can you help me?
I already have many complaints from connected users that the system takes them out and when starting the section again shows them an error that the password is incorrect

What are you using hotspot for?

Customer / Cards or classic customers on Splynx?

Please, show screenshot of cards which related to this problem, what is their status?

Can you check also debugs?
On Mikrotik?
On Splynx - Administration / Logs / Files / Radius short , etc…