So, we need:
- Server number 1 for installing Splynx
- Server number 2 for installing MySQL-server
For example, it will be two virtual machines: VM1 with ip address - and VM2 with ip address -
Next step, install splynx on VM1 - and install MySQL-server on VM2 (apt-get install mysql-server).
When installation is complete, we must configure both servers.
On VM1:
- In /var/www/splynx/config/mysql.php change “host” - ip of your mysql-server; “database” - name of database on your mysql-server; “username” - username of database on your mysql-server and “password” - pass of database on your mysql-server
Attention! Password is encrypted, so you have to use command:
/var/www/splynx/system/setup/setup mysql-password --password=newpassword
2.Create dump of splynx-database
mysqldump -uroot -p splynx > test_dump.sql
and copy it into VM2.
- Copy /etc/mysql/conf.d/splynx.cnf - file from VM1 to VM2 !
On VM2:
- Create new database in MySQL:
2.Restore from dump-file structure of splynx-db:
mysql -uroot -p testdb < test_dump.sql
- In MySQL config-file /etc/mysql/my.cnf chenge bind-address to “”
It is necessary for remote access to mysql-server from another host or you can enter ip of your splynx-server, then only splynx will be connected to MySQL-server.
- In mysql create new user and give permissions:
CREATE USER 'username'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database.* TO 'username'@'%';
5.Reboot VM2.
That is all.