Splynx guaranteed speed limit at

Hello All,
I’m setting up splynx on my network and I saw that in tariffs the guaranteed speed is set in percentage; so if I have a customer with 10/2 mega with a 1/1 of BMG I can’t set it up.
So I think to use customer radius attributes like “Mikrotik-Rate-Limit” to set it up but I don’t see anything in Splinx that refer to custom attributes related to a single tariff plan.

Is there the way to pass custom radius attributes to Mikrotik NAS referred to single tariff plan or single customer ?

Thank you in advance.

The problem that you have is that we use % of Max limit to generation of limit-at and bursts.

I think we can use additional fields in a plan and then push them to :

Mikrotik-Rate-Limit = {{ rx_rate_limit }}/{{ tx_rate_limit }} {{ rx_burst_rate }}/{{ tx_burst_rate }} {{rx_burst_threshold }}/{{ tx_burst_threshold }} {{ burst_time }}/{{ burst_time }} 5 {{ rx-rate-min }}/{{ tx-rate-min }}

I’ve created additional fields for Internet plans :

The questions for developers is - please write the variables that we can put to Mikrotik-Rate-Limit for burst_down, burst_up, limit_down and limit_up

possible variables on radius attributes:

{{ tariff_id }}

{{ customer.key }} - key: login, name, ...

{{ customer_attributes.name }}
  • customer additional attributes

{{ service_attributes.name }}
  • service additional attributes

  • tariff additional attributes

for example we have additional attribute: burst_down on tariff
we can use it as:

{{ tariff_attributes.burst_down }}

So the final attributes config should look something like this one :
Mikrotik-Rate-Limit = {{ rx_rate_limit }}/{{ tx_rate_limit }} {{ tariff_attributes.burst_down }}/{{ tariff_attributes.burst_up }}{{rx_burst_threshold }}/{{ tx_burst_threshold }} {{ burst_time }}/{{ burst_time }} 5 {{ tariff_attributes.limit_down }}/{{ tariff_attributes.limit_up }}

Update, the final working config of Radius attributes :slight_smile:

Mikrotik-Rate-Limit = {{ rx_rate_limit }}/{{ tx_rate_limit }} {{ tariff_attributes.burst_up ? tariff_attributes.burst_up : rx_burst_rate }}/{{ tariff_attributes.burst_down ? tariff_attributes.burst_down : tx_burst_rate }} {{ rx_burst_threshold }}/{{ tx_burst_threshold }} {{ burst_time }}/{{ burst_time }} {{ mikrotik_priority }} {{ tariff_attributes.limit_up ? tariff_attributes.limit_up : rx-rate-min }}/{{ tariff_attributes.limit_down ? tariff_attributes.limit_down : tx-rate-min }}