Is there any mobile applications available that can be use to access customer portal and send pop-up notifications ??
it will be good idea
Seeking for same type of App.
i searching a mobile pos app for payments will be great
This would be more based on the mobile payment gateway provider support. See what we have in Kenya under safaricom http://mpesaintegration.24i.co.ke/security/stk-push/ https://developer.safaricom.co.ke/forums/lipa-na-m-pesa-online
i searching some for make the payment person to person i have a an android pos with printer and i want to make an app for make payments from there when i go to the customer location
We Also would like a app for OS and Android devices. Client portal “with live view” to see data usage with a instant and a easy top-up button. Create a ticket and reply on tickets. Clients always have a phone with them so it will be nice if a tower upgrade is scheduled the app can remind the client with a pop-up before during. Technicians on site can post a message when they are done and all clients are updated instantly.
Yes we also need an app please!
MPESA is ready as Beta. Get in touch for some infos.
Hi Heiko, I will be trying it for some new splynx installation, and will add review on it.
necesitamos una aplicacion android para el portal cliente
Here’s the great guide on mobile payment gateway integration with all compassion of the most popular payment gateways (PayPal, Stipe, Braintree etc.)
I also like to see those kind of mobile App, which can get notification from splynx software.
Hi guys, we are working on client mobile app, it will be part of 2.3 release.
Hello Friends,
We have successfully developed “Netsetup” app for field technicians and “Netsmart” app for customers with customer portal details and Change WiFi settings with TR069. Thanks Splynx for support and Eastern Hawk team for developing these apps.
If anyone interested to integrate and customize with own branding, you can contact them at sales@ehsnepal.com
Thank You !!