MikroTik SSL API supported?

Does Splynx work with MikroTik SSL API? It seems like that would be best as we are sending usernames/passwords across a wireless network… Just curios if it has been tested by anyone?


Yes, just use SSL port on API port.

So, I tried it and it doesn’t work. However, I have my own Certificate Authority on my network. I’m guessing I need to import the root certificate into Splynx so it will recognize my SSL certificates as valid. Is there something special I need to do with Splynx to accomplish this?

When I try, it works without any issue,

Please note:
API Port should be 8729.
Cert should be loaded on Mikrotik.

I’ve tested on self-signed cert, so any better certificate will be good.

If you need to add some cert to Splynx server, you should use /etc/ssl