Feature Request: Specify a Mikroitk Queue "Parent" for Tarfis


we have often the situation that we need to tell the Access Router/Mikrotik about how much bandwidth he has available to distribute.

We could create a static ‘Parent’ Queue on the Mikrotik with a total bandwidth setting.
If we could specify the name of that Parent in the Splynx tarif, we would be able to limit one or more services to a “total” bandwidth.

Would be really helpfully…


may be sectors help you ?


Sectors is a great feature --> but not what I am looking for in this case.
I could ‘workaround’ and use sectors but it seems in my constellation, sectors doesnt seem to work:

I use Radius for PPPoE and Accounting.
I disabled all Rate Limits so that the Queues are build with Mikrotik API instead with PPPOE/Radius.
That part works great.
But if I add sectors to a Router, the Queuing stops working (no more tariffs are added) as well the Sectors are not created on the Router.

Either this is a bug or I do something wrong.
