Feature Request: Reporting | multiple report requests

At present the Reporting Fuctionality of Splynx leaves a lot to be desired.
Pulling data on what many would think are the basics is proving difficult.

I am going to break down a number of Reporting Functions in this posting - hoping that each get implemented sooner than later.

  1. Customer Offline Report: It should be easy enough for an ISP to list ALL clients who have NOT connected via a PPPoE or Radius Session within a time period. (last 5 minutes, hour, day etc. )

  2. Customer Reconnect Report: It should be easy enough for an ISP to list ALL Clients who have connected >x (more than X) amount of times in a given period to a PPPoE session. We run most sessions for example as a 24 hour period. If a customer is reconnecting much more than this - it can help lead to another type of issue such as a wireless performance issue.

  3. Credit Card Expiration Report: Let’s face it - having a customer be dropped offline because their card expired is non-sense if we do not make notification any way possible to the customer.

  4. Late Payment Report: We would love to know who is late and circumvent where possible a possible customer outage and give them a call to request payment. . . a report showing who is late before cut-off is a great idea.

  5. Ticketing: Tickets opened per Tower Report. (great when there is an outage or a problem @ a POP)

  6. Ticketing: Ticket Resolution Time Report (per employee)

  7. Traffic Reports: It would be Great to report by router/tower Those who are using the MOST bandwidth on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly basis (or any time period really)