Does MAC address get locked on first access by user


Does MAC address get locked on first access by user?

For example, a new created user ‘abcxyz’ when succesfully logins for the first time, does the MAC get locked with the user and authentication from other MAC is rejected?

If no, how can this feature be activated?
If yes, how can MAC be reset?


Yes, but only from version 1.3 (currently splynx-dev)

apt-get install splynx-dev
Config / Networking / Radius
Allow without IP/MAC - disable

file: /var/www/splynx/config/radius.php

add_mac = true ; Active
max_mac = 3 ; how many mac add, better to set 1

On Customer / Services / Internet (you can see field MAC, ) when this functional will be active you need to clear this mac for add new one.

ps: to use any mac you have to manually set * to this field.

How can I know which version of splynx is installed?

Administration / Splynx / License

1.2 - current stable -
1.3 - dev version