Hi, When Customers have a Auto Top-up set to do x number of auto top-ups per month is the Month a Calendar month e.g 1st of the month to the 30/31 or is it a total of x top-ups in a 30 day period.
We have a situation where a customer had it set to 3 auto top-ups. There was a topup on the 20-9-19 and then another one on the 23-9-19 and then the service stopped and did not auto topup again until the customer set the limit to 5. When looking in the history we see there was an auto top up on the 25-08-19 so we think the reason it did not do the 3rd in September was because the system does not work on a calendar Month but a 30day period? however the 30/31 days would have expired before the 26th when the system should have done the auto top up
Another setting I have seen is the Config>Main>Cap setting where the auto top up limitation is set to 2 but i would have thought the User setting would over ride this per service setting?.
Has anyone else had these sort of issues