Auto-Pay with Stripe

I see how I can charge all invoices at once under Finance -> Invoices. 2 questions:

  1. Can I automate this to run a month?
  2. Will only those customers with “Credit Card” be billed each month? (Aka those that don’t want to auto-pay, but do have a credit card saved can be set to “Cash” so they don’t get charged from this screen)
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@Liberty-Link hello!
Sure, this process can be automated. We just need to see the auto-processing filter for this purpose:

  1. Finance > Invoices > Charge > Auto-Charge Filters > Add.

  2. The following options allow you to create a custom filter to charge the right customers.
    It if possible to filter by Partner, Location, Payment type (CC, PayPay, Cash etc.), Invoice status. Customer ID option allows charging only specific customers. Please, set the desired payment system in External handler field.

Those customers that have ‘Cash’ as a payment type will not be charged in case you set ‘CC’ in the auto-charge filter.

Should you have any questions feel free to ask!

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