ACS - Set SSID with last 4 digits

Hey All,

just wondering if anyone can help me i am trying to set it so that the TP Links change its SSID to srvnet_{last 4 digit of mac} i have been able to do this with ACS on its own on our own server but trying to learn how to do this via Splynx Templates.

Any help i would appreciate.

Doubt this is possible, in any case you’d be best messaging TP-Link for support on this config.

The special-conditions that translate derp-XXXX into derp-[x-characters from MAC address] are only applied when a default-config with that SSID is being applied.

As far as I know there’s no hook for $macAddress and Splynx ACS isn’t clever enough to generate an SSID based on variables from TR069 in any case - not without some very custom code.

You can have your default config set the SSID and just not change it when TR069 does it’s thing…